Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Welcome Nickolas Abraham Onstine

We are so grateful that Nickolas has finally joined our family!! He was born Wed Aug. 13th at 10:49 AM after a very quick labor and delivery. He weighed 7lbs 7 oz and is 19 inches long. What a blessing he is to us. The kids are really excited to have him home all to themselves. Some funny moments: The first day we were all home together all the kids had their dolls wrapped up in blankies and were lined up on the couch feeding them all. Also, Lukas was holding Nickolas right after we'd bathed him. He went to kiss his head and when he looked up at us he said "oh, he smells so gross!!" and he handed him back to us!! I am sure we'll have many more funny moments to share soon. For now we are all settling in, and enjoying having a newborn around the house again. It brings such sweetness to everyone and magically the kids seem more helpful than ever. We are praying it's not just a phase!! Thanks to everyone who's helped us this past couple weeks. More to come soon!


Besabes said...

It's amazing that you have found a way to get this started- you are officially Super Mom! What a great way to stay connected. I loved reading about the kids first day and I see them all the time. LOL Nickolas is just too darn cute and I love the picture you captured. How sweet! Thank you for thinking of sharing your families life with us!
Take care,

The Vuki Family said...

C-o-o-k-i-e c-u-t-t-e-r!!!! So darling! Were you able to do this vbac? Hoping all is well. Miss you guys, and I miss Marcum! Take care