Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You know it's Valentines Day when...

The kids spend the afternoon trading valentines with each other
when candy hearts are the staple for a day
when wax paper crayon hearts grace the windows
when home made yarn hearts hang from the chandelier
when sandwiches are cut in the shape of a heart
And when I cannot get enough of these cute cones I make this time of year which are filled with treats for the kids and for friends and family... I got so carried away that I made a dozen little ones to use for Mackenzie's 10th bday party (which is a mere 8 mos. away) LOL.... obsessed! I think YES!! ♥

And when Randy and I go out to sushi without kids.... awww, what am I saying, we will find any excuse to go out to sushi without kids. Grateful for my sweetheart ♥ I am LUCKY!

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